Social Media Icons

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Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Today I can get up with a grateful heart and focus on the good in my life. It has always been there, but as you know, whatever you focus on, increases. When I look for the good, good increases. So what do I want to focus on with my magical magnifying mind today? I choose to focus on the blessings. I have spent much of my adult life at odds with my family. "They don't understand me...." (insert whiny voice), or just the idea that I disagree with their thinking. Somehow that can turn into a poor me situation. Yeah, sad, but I am speaking the truth. But we just spent the weekend together and it was amazing to spend the weekend with the fam.

Today I am grateful because I know that my parents are not invincible (or immortal). They are not going to be here forever.  I love them and I don't want to "miss it" because I was busy being "right."

Today I'll choose to be happy instead of right.

And I'll continue to grow in gratitude.

I'm grateful for so much! Here are just a few things.....

  • Today I am grateful that I am getting to know family members that were once on the opposite side of the fence from me. I don't have to be "right-wing" and I don't have to view them as "left-wing." We are family. Not to mention that my views are changing, but does it really matter? 
  • Today I am grateful for family get togethers. even if I do forget to make the homemade ice cream until 30 minutes before the guests are supposed to arrive. Yikes! 
  • Today I am grateful that every day is new. I don't have to pile yesterday's mistakes onto my plate for today. I'll make enough mistakes today.
  • Today I am grateful for being welcomed and cared for by my school family. 
  • I am grateful for my children. All of them.
  • I am grateful for my furbabies. They make me happy. :)
  • I am grateful for internet friends.
  • I am grateful that some are willing to set up meet-ups so my social media friends can become my real life friends. 
  • I'm grateful for my hair stylist. She knows all my secrets. (on my way to see her now, cheap therapy and I'll look younger and more beautiful than ever when I leave).
Happy Tuesday everyone! That's my life today! 


  1. That's a good list. I'm grateful for friends and gatherings.

  2. So important to look for the good in life, like you said, we get what we look for! Glad you and your family are having fun together hanging was the ice cream? I'm making this gratitude part of my daily routine with my new planner, it's on my vlog today! :-) And, are you on Periscope? The whole Idea was inspired by a scope Alyce did on Monday. Where would we be without each other?!
