We got up this morning to about a quarter inch of snow. As we got ready for school, it started snowing again. This photo was taken around 9 a.m.. How do you think the kiddos were this morning? Yeup.... wound up. Excited! Yeehaw! So I decided to go with it.
I made the students some sentence strips. We thought of adjectives to describe our snowy day. Then students wrote those adjectives on their strips. Next...
Students crumpled their strips into snowballs. It was very exciting!!
We split the class into two groups. And the snowball fight began! Then I said "freeze!" Students un-crumpled the snowball they held and read the word. Then they used the adjective in a sentence!
About this time we got the announcement that school was letting out at 10! So we packed up and while I called parents, students wrote about something of their choice. They suggested we write about Abe Lincoln, George Washington, the Snowday, or our snowball fight. I thought these were outstanding choices.
This is my Punky cleaning off the car while I wait on the last of the students to leave. The pictures below are taken on the drive home. Near white-out conditions.
With my teenager's help, we managed to get the car off the street...
but not up the big hill that is our drive. So we had to trek up the hill to the house!
I'm grateful for my warm house, a snow day, potatoes to bake for supper and so much more. I'm grateful we could practice flexibility this morning and learn something fun and snow related. I am grateful we are safe.
Awesome pictures.