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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Currently... January 2015

Hooray for the new! Out with the old! I can't believe that is it a new year and that the school year is half over already. Check it out at Oh' Boy 4th Grade and read 'em all and maybe even link up. Here are the rules:
Here is what is happening Currently!
I am listening to Chopped on Netflix while the world is saying good-bye to 2014.

I am loving the laziness of break. I enjoyed time with family and time to read and sleep and play. I love staying in my pajama pants all day and living without a schedule.

Thinking... about everything that is expected of me this next semester and wondering how I will accomplish it all.

Wanting.... the Christmas stuff to just miraculously be put away! I want my home back to "normal" and order restored. I just don't really want to invest the work.

Needing to map out January and create, buy, print, laminate centers for all grade levels for this month, starting off with good habits and effective organization will only help me for the rest of this year.

Yes: I will work diligently to achieve some balance between work and home and give my home-life a fighting chance.
Maybe: I have high hopes that I will take better care of my health. I have done some reading and think I need to de-stress and get away from processed foods
Wish: I wish I had my custom built dream home in the country and that I could write all day (and night when the ideas hit) and give credence to that author that is hidden within my soul.

Happy New Year to all! Here is wishing you all the best in 2015!


  1. Hope the fairies come to my house too! If you ever need some author tips--I have a good amount of author friends. : ) I loved Chopped too, but I'd hate to be in the chefs' shoes (some of those ingredients are pretty obscure).
    Happy new year and all you've got going on : )
    Kids Math Teacher

  2. I have not seen Chopped, I love Netflix I will have to check it out. I agree, one of the best things about break is no alarm and PJ's all I don't live in my dream house, but I do live in the country and it is fantastic.Good luck with your health goals, I totally am with ya on those. Wishing you a wonderful New Year!

    Luv My Kinders

  3. Oh, I so love to hang out in pajama pants! I cut way back on processed foods 2 yrs ago, and it really helped me lose weight, even without exercise. Happy new year!
    Not very fancy

  4. happy new year! I totally know what you mean about the processed foods - everything is, isn't it? It's so hard! I wish you luck in finding the teacher-personal life balance! It really is such a hard thing to do...but it's not impossible!
    Best wishes for 2015!
    BigTime Literacy
