I've been thinking about these letters for over a week! Eek!
Dear unaware lady at the gas station:
There were three cars besides me waiting for a pump. Was it really the best move ever to park in front of the pump so that you could go in the store and buy a lottery ticket? Your vehicle wasn't even facing the right direction to put the hose in the tank. You can't fool me. But thanks for making me painfully aware of my road-rage issues.
A citizen learning patience the hard way
Dear Michelle,
Thanks for accommodating a sarcastic teacher like me and hosting this fun little linky.
one grateful teacher with a sarcastic streak
Dear Students,
Thanks for all your hard work so far. Please remember to look out for the underdog. This is a skill that prepare you for life.
Your tender-hearted teacher <3
Dear Parents,
Thank you for your patience thus far. I have not been as prompt as I was hoping to be with communication, especially in regard to opportunities to sign up or help out. I am extremely overwhelmed with the level of parent support! I love you all.
with gratitude,
Ms. Horn
Dear internet:
Seriously?! No commitment for two days? The on-again, off-again relationship we had last week is not going to work for me! I have lesson plans that include research online, math practice online, reading online, writing online, spelling practice online.... you get the drift? Please don't make me break up with you. Your fickle attitude toward my plans has me in a tizzy.
Part of your network,
Teacher at MGS
Dear Students at MGS:
Your learning curve on the logo project was impressive. I was definitely skeptical when I heard the harsh words in your "wonders" and the adamant defense of your work, even in the face of real suggestions of improvement. However, I saw something very different when you had the opportunity to improve your work. I have been told what an extraordinary group of students you are. I have to agree, you are truly an impressive group of students!
One Impressed Newbie Teach
Dear Sammy,
We miss you too. Now if you could stop scolding us the entire evening when we are at home, we'd appreciate it. Your grumpy cat impressions are, well.... impressive. But please, give us a break!
your not-so-furry companions
Dear Daughter,
Your patience with your Momma's time spent at school is heart-warming. Thanks for supporting your Mom and please know that I love you even more for it.
Dear college-age child,
I'm so proud of your transition to life. I know it's scary, but you are well on your way. Thanks for hanging in there. I am impressed and proud. And I can't wait to see you blossom into the person you are meant to be. Enjoy these days while you can.
your puffy-hearted proud Momma