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Monday, September 2, 2013

Positive Points Monday

I found a new favorite Linky! Positive Points Monday from Permanently Primary. I liken this to a gratitude Sunday, I love focusing on the positive in my life every Sunday. Here is her only rule for this linky: The only rule is that your positive points must be from SCHOOL!  My family or my dog or the weather or a vacation are definitely positives, but sometimes we need to find the positives in the negative environment.  Make sense?

So here goes some positive love: 

1. I work with a great team!! This year I am not teaching, I took a position that is paid hourly but requires a teaching license.  It is a reading assistant job. The specialist I work under is not only amazing at her job, but she's a happy person that I enjoy seeing every day. Everyone is friendly and helping me adjust! It would be easy for me to focus on the fact that I don't have my own classroom this year and to get discouraged by this, but I am trying to focus on the positives, and this is truly a blessing.

2. I will have a full toolbag next year! I will have more knowledge about data-driven reading placement and strategies than I could get in college or in my own classroom. So this will be a great strength for me! 

3. I don't have lesson plans or grading this year! Whoot! When I come home, my time is my own! Quite frankly, after all the time we spent at school last year, this is good for our family. But I can still easily feel sorry for myself that I am not in the trenches with my colleagues, so I remind myself often of the great-ness of being able to take it easy this year. 

4. Finally, I know it is supposed to be school related, but I lead a great life today. Less drama, more calm. This happens when I let God be in control, and that can happen at school or home or one or neither. It is entirely up to me as to how much I want to trust and let go of my own agenda. I am positively loving that God cares about me at work or at home. 

Tell us something positive today about your life at school! Link up! I can't wait to "hear" it! 

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